Thursday, April 01, 2004

Session 4051: Day 20 of 31. Unsurfable Today!

A challenge of going out every day is that there are days that you
absolutely cannot surf. Today has been one of them. Driving up north from my
home in downtown Half Moon Bay...

- The Jetty - Too flat and windy.
- Montara - Massive closeout (this is usually a hopeful sign)
- Gray Whale Cove - Even if this place looks great from the cliff top, when
you get there it is usually very agitating and mushy, either that or
massively closed out.

I ended up at Linda Mar (as usual). Interestingly enough there was no wind
here and the sky was perfectly sunny and clear with no sign of fog.

Since I should be surfing every day I did go out today at Linda Mar and
there was nothing to surf. I hunted for waves both N and S. In addition
there was a massive current going from the S end to the N end. It was almost
difficult to just holding on to the board as I was being side-swept to the N
side. I was at the creek and start to paddle out. By the time I thought I
got out far enough, I was already in front of Taco Bell and then continuing
to move North. The water was just simply agitated but not breaking in any
sort of surfable breaks.

Should this not have been these local wind blowing a few miles out, it would
have been some "fair" day.

No catch today, but I did definitely made an effort!

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