Saturday, April 24, 2004

Session 4067: Back in California! Mellow Day.

The trip to Colorado Springs has concluded a bit early. But, since the night before it snowed quite a bit and I had a nice refresher course on (1) How to brush the snow off the car, (2) Try spinning a car around in a snow covered parking lot. Both were extremely successful. Only concern was that I might have not been able to get back home, as I have heard that Denver was even in a worse condition than CS. Anyhow, I drove the trusty Malibu Classic back to the CS airport, and luckily the flights were still going on and also I was able to get on to 12:30 flight instead of the original 4 PM.
Well, I could have surfed yesterday if I pushed for it as I got back at 4. I did not.  I was also itching to try out my new 9'0 Takayama DT3, but I did not touch it.
Today, we checked out a few spots here in N. SMC, but could not find anything that have been great so we decided to go to the Jetty in the afternoon. This turns out to be a good pick as the waves were not big but more consistent.  With the DT3 not set up (not waxed and finned) I quickly grabbed my 6'6 and headed out, and while I had fun, I really wished that I took out the longer board as other surfers are "stealing" my waves lefts and right.
Nevertheless, once up on the board, I am starting to have a much more freedom in directions and controlling that it was a very satisfying afternoon. Glad I am back and glad that I can surf again! Not surfing for a week is not a good thing. I felt I was already rusty.
As of right now, the DT3 is still in "brand new" state. Still catching up with a week of "being away."

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