Sunday, May 09, 2004

Session 4081: Back to SC

This morning Arthur called me up and wanted to an early session at Montara.
Yes, it was the S swells day today, but unfortunately the tide was in the
minus zone. That's a danger sign. I told him that if he finds it good there,
I will hook him up there. 30 minutes later he told me that the waves were
poor all the way from Linda Mar to the Jetty. So we decided to go south and
hit the best beach we can find. We stopped by just about every state beach
along the way, but did not find anything so attractive, so we ended up at
the 38th.

Arthur was riding my old Velzy 9 and he had a blast, while I had quite a bit
of struggle today to take off on rather fast breaks that were coming in,
plus the crowd. My version of the excuse is that I have been surfing beach
breaks for the last 2 weeks that I have totally lost the feel for the breaks
in SC. But it was very challenging today. Those short boarders who were
taking off were all good.

Well, more work needed.