Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Session 4.122: Windy (SE) But Stoke 9. Surfing Surfari from Taco Bell to the Rock!

I have never done this before!
  • Ride 1: Started left of Taco Bell, Took a left ride that ended by the shower.
  • Ride 2: Paddled back out to the Shower. Took a left ride that ended by Crespi
  • Ride 3: Paddled back out to the front of Crespi. Took a short left ride. Now I though it might be possible to "ride" all the way to the very N end.
  • Ride 4: Paddled back where I left off then I am at the edge of the "N" end. Success!
  • Ride 5: Paddled back out now I am paddling really close to the rock, now I am determined to complete this tour, I ended up in the very north corner of Linda Mar, no more beach left.
As I went N, the waves went from close outs to mushier but bigger rides.
So I am giving Stoke 9 today!

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