Saturday, March 11, 2006

Please, and please stand by...

I have been taking a bit of rest on this department. I know, I know. And I even know that a lot of people come back to my Blog to share with me about my progresses and defects. But lately I have been thinking a lot about what it is that I am trying to do. I hope you understand. Yeah, it is really easy to write that I went out and say how many waves I caught etc., but somehow I don't think that you are coming back to this spot to find that out. Are you? I think that you want to know a lot more about in-depth what I go through trying to become a better surfer. Of course, what the heck is a "better surfer". Well, I think that's also up to me to define what that is. So, please hang around and hang on. Don't give up on me. I am really giving a lot of thought about how I can make it a more worthwhile sharing and reading experience to you.

Please stand by...

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